• AguaDrone Innovations, LLC 2616 Quay Dock Rd., Vero Beach, Fl 32967 USA
  • Mon - Sat - 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
About Us

The Worlds First Drone with a Fish Finder!

AguaDrone offers the first and only wireless Sonar Pod that sends a wireless signal to your smartphone or tablet instantly turning your AguaDrone into a Fish Finder. With its 100% waterproof design, the AguaDrone
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Our Products


100% waterproof drone with quick change detachable pods and plug & play components

Worlds only waterproof drone with sonar technology

Details and Specs

Agua Drone Specifications

AguaDrone is a 100% Waterproof drone capable of landing in and taking off from fresh or saltwater. Our unique brushless motors allow for use in wet or dry conditions. It’s the all-weather, all-environment drone! 

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The Drone

100% waterproof drone with quick change detachable pods and plug & play components 

Sonar pod

The Sonar Pod comes equipped with a free Sonar App, allowing users' easy access


The AguaDrone's remote is a sleek and compact design, built for intuitive, user friendly flying

Agua data pod

The Agua-Data pod is the next-generation tester designed for a remote water test experience

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